
On Earth#005, there is a Warlord who is controlling the whole planet with massive power of his “CRYPTO ARMY”, he’s name is Crazy Oscar! He enjoy this ruleless and lawless dictatorship, yet somehow pretend to offer democratic system on Earth#005. But in somewhere on the internet, the Underground Resistance Alliance (URA) sketch up the plan of THE revolution which no one ever heard of. The URA is targeting to decentralize all the power of Warlord Oscar in real world, and shift every bit of his wealth into Metaverse.    


  • “Rich Animal” Earring

  • Crypto Badge Berets

  • White Collar

  • Green Tie

  • Green Military Uniform Jacket

  • Crypto Military Gorget Patch x2

  • Crypto Military Arm Patch

  • Crypto Medal x 2

  • Crypto Military Medal

  • Cube Pattern Belt with Bitcoin Buckle